Sts Peter, Paul, Luke and John (1929)
All Saints Church, High Street, Bedworth Warks, CV12 8NH, England. (Map) Number of Windows: 1 Number of Lights in this Window 4 Date 1929
The Saints Peter, Paul, Luke and John window is situated on the in the the nave at Bedworth. The first panel depicts Saint John. In the top panel the opening words of his gospel are inscribed: In Initum Erat Verbum (In the beginning was the word). Saint John, apostle and author of the fourth gospel, is portrayed in magnificent robes and carries a chalice.
The second light depicts Saint Peter. The top section contains an inset of two fish, symbolising Peter’s early career as a fisherman. In the main panels Saint Peter is attired in beautifully embroidered robes of gold, purple and blue. The lower panel depicts the scene where Peter denied Jesus three times.
The third light depicts Saint Paul. The top panel contains a bible. Paul holds a book and a sword. He is attired in brilliantly coloured robes of purple, blue, silver and amber. The lower panel depicts the transformation of Saul, a persecutor of Christians, when he was struck down on the road to Damascus by a blinding light. The fourth light depicts Saint Luke, Greek physician and author of the third gospel. The top panel depicts the symbol of healing used by the medical profession. Saint Luke wears robes of crimson, blue and sage. He holds a palette and brushes in his left hand, denoting that he is the patron saint of painters. The lower panel depicts Saint Luke’s emblem of a bull.
Photos by © Michael Cullen (for prints/sales - Text © by Lucy Costigan