St. Patrick and Blessed Oliver Plunkett (A)

Chapel of the Novitiate of the Oblate Fathers of St. Mary Immaculate (Belcamp, Dublin) (This Church is NOT open to the public from 2009)

1925 : Number of Lights in each Window: 2 : St. Patrick and Blessed Oliver Plunkett (A)

The sixth set of windows depicts Saints Patrick and Blessed Oliver Plunkett. The bearded St. Patrick wears magnificent robes of emerald, bronze, ruby and gold. Benignus, the young boy at Patrick’s side, carries Patrick’s book. The lower panel shows Patrick converting two noblewomen to Christianity. The window is inscribed in old Irish script: Naomh Pádraig on the right border. The second light depicts Blessed Oliver Plunkett, archbishop or Armagh who was hanged on false charges of treason in Tyburn in 1681. He was beatified in 1920 and was canonised in 1975, the first Irish saint for almost seven hundred years. Saint Oliver is depicted wearing a royal blue cloak, and emerald robes. The lower panel depicts the saint standing beside his executioner. The window is inscribed in old Irish script: Ollibear Beannuis Le Pluincéad on the right border. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="46" gal_title="belcamp-st.-patrick_oliver-plunkett"]      




Photos by © Michael Cullen (for prints/sales Irish Images Books - Text © by Lucy Costigan. Connellan, C., O.M.I, Story of the Belcamp Chapel Windows: Masterpieces of Stained Clarke by Harry Clarke, Leaflet from Belcamp, Dublin 17