Saints Brigid, Patrick and Colmcille
The Honan Chapel of St. Finbarr, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork City. Number of Lights 3, Window: 9 Date 1915
This three-light window is located above the main door of the Honan church. In the first light, Saint Brigid is shown wearing a blue cloak, a white headdress and a deep blue robe.
The central light depicts Saint Patrick attired in green robes and carrying a golden staff. The boy by his side wears robes of white and pale green. In the bottom panels, various saints are depicted. The third light depicts Saint Columcille in purple robes and a maroon cloak. He wears a mitre of silver, purple and gold. The top section of the window shows two doves, while the bottom section depicts various saints.
Photos by © Michael Cullen (for prints/sales - Text © by Lucy Costigan