Ten Decorative Clerestory Windows (B) (1929) - Each 2 lights
In the summer of 1928 Harry visited St. Eunan’s Cathedral in Letterkenny to inspect the area allocated for ten two-light clerestory windows. In July he sent several sketches for the Letterkenny project to the Bishop of Raphoe, Reverend William MacNeely.
Harry was awarded the commission in August. Despite Harry’s ill-health and his stay at the sanatorium in Davos, Switzerland, for most of 1929, the Letterkenny windows were completed by November 1929 (Bowe: 1994). Cut pieces of slab glass in diamond shapes were used to create each of the Letterkenny windows. Although similar in design, every window is unique.
St. Eunan’s Cathedral, has ten Harry Clarke Windows. Click below to view images.
Photos by © Michael Cullen (for prints/sales www.irishimages.org) - Text © by Lucy Costigan
Bowe, N. Gordon, The Life and Work of Harry Clarke, Irish Academic Press, 1994